Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 1.06.2017

Yıl: 2017

Araştırma Makalesi


2. Are Amman Stock Exchange Investors Overconfident?


5. Housing Loans: What About Personality Traits?


7. Theoretical and Empirical studies of Economic Growth Processes of Agricultural Production in Russian Federation


8. Development of Domestic and Foreign Industrial Enterprises in Russia


23. Domestic or Foreign Banks? Who Wields more Market Power?


25. Corporate Governance and Malaysian Politics: Theoretical Framework for Accounting Quality


26. The Relative Impact of Bank Credit on Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria


31. Malaysian Financial Stress Index and Assessing its Impacts on the Economy

Konferans Bildirisi

33. Research Gap of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Economic Development, Business Incubators Studies in Indonesia


38. Effect of Solow Variable To The Economic Growth in Southeast Asia


41. The Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms’ Financial Performance: Evidence from Financial Sector of Pakistan


48. Determinants of Factors that Affecting Inflation in Malaysia


60. The Impact of Stock Market Performance on Foreign Portfolio Investment in China


68. Examınation of the Dynamic Relationship Between Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from Nigeria Micro Data


69. The Social Impacts of Information and Communication Technology in Nigeria


70. Does Chief Executive Officer Succession Affect Firms Financial Performance in Nigeria?


73. Corporate Regulation of Unethical Practices: Assessment of Nigeria’s Commercial Banking Industry


74. The Impact of Dow Jones Sustainability Index on US Dollar Value


79. Trade Policies, Exchange Rate and Developing Country’s Real Sector Export Performance


84. The Contribution of Subsidies on the Welfare of Fishing Communities in Malaysia


91. Credit Default Swap and Liquidity


94. Long-run Trend and dDeterminants ofTterms of Trade of Iran
